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The broad reach of our LungLB test


We’ve spoken about the urgent need for early detection in lung cancer, and why we believe our LungLB test is an answer.  Today I would like to speak about two groups of participants who were featured in our 425-participant validation study which concluded in December 2023. Veterans and never smokers.  

Veterans are thought to be at higher risk for lung cancer because of what they're exposed to during military service.  We were very interested in including the veteran population and delighted that almost half of the clinical study sites in our pivotal validation study included Veterans Affairs hospitals. 

Additionally, we designed our studies to include current and former smokers, as well as never smokers, which is kind of atypical. One of the analyses in our peer-reviewed publication of our pilot validation study was test performance of Smokers versus Nonsmokers. What we found is that the LungLB test demonstrated the same high performance, whether the patient had a significant smoking history or if they never smoked before. 

This is important because the rate of lung cancer in never smokers is increasing and we wanted to make sure that our LungLB test was able to address that need.  

We designed a rigorous validation study and crucially one designed to match the type of patient’s physicians will see in their clinics.  Both veterans and never smokers are important groups and we are pleased to be able to include them in our study.

Our clinical validation study showed a 80% positive predictive value in cases of indeterminate nodules less than 15 mm in diameter found by CT scan.   

As a precursor to our full commercial launch later this year, we have launched our Early Access Program. If you would like to participate, please click the Order LungLB Test button below.

Recent Episodes

How Our LungLB®'s Test is Saving Lives
Early Detection
Creating a Different Future
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