Our mission at LungLife is driven from important and compelling statistical data about lung cancer. More than 1.5 million indeterminate lung nodules are found every year in the United States just from CT scans alone, and that number will likely rise as additional screening is performed because COVID has been found to produce indeterminate nodules.
Lung nodules are abnormal growths found by CT scan, either through lung cancer screening or most often from a CT scan ordered for another medically necessary reason. These nodules are rarely cancerous. However, they are often called “indeterminate” because at the time of discovery, it is uncertain what they are, causing anxiety for patients and confusion for physicians. No one wants to hear an “I’m not exactly sure” diagnosis, particularly as lung cancer remains the leading cause of cancer death. Each year more people die of lung cancer than of colon, breast and prostate cancer combined.
Patients and physicians need a test that can quickly and effectively help evaluate those indeterminant nodules allowing either the earlier detection of lung cancer or peace of mind. Caught early, curative approaches are available.
Here’s where we have some exciting news to share. Our company is using artificial intelligence to aid with the early detection of lung cancer. LungLife has developed technology that pairs a simple blood draw with artificial intelligence to provide clinicians and patients the information they need to make informed decisions about the management of lung nodules and lung cancer. Currently about 80% of lung cancer is detected in late stages. Our vision is that our simple LungLB Test will invert that ratio such that in years to come at least 80% of lung cancer is detected early. Early detection means better care, better outcomes, and longer lives.
We at LungLife strive to be a driving force in the early detection of lung cancer.
For more information about the great work we are doing, visit our website at