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Block Listing Six Monthly Return

November 15, 2022

15 November 2022

LungLife AI, Inc.

("LungLife" or the "Company")


Block Listing Six Monthly Return 


LungLife AI (AIM: LLAI), a developer of clinical diagnostic solutions for lung cancer, makes the following six-monthly update on its block listing:


Name of applicant:LungLife AI, Inc.
Name of scheme:
  1. 2010 Stock Incentive Plan
  2. 2020 Stock Incentive Plan
  3. 2021 Omnibus Long-Term Incentive Plan
Number and class of securities originally admitted:1,356,139 common shares of US $0.0001 each
Date of admission:15 November 2021
Period of return:From:15 May 2022To:15 November 2022
Balance of unallotted securities under scheme(s) from previous return:
  1. 480,775
  2. 201,374
  3. 673,990
Plus: The amount by which the block scheme(s) has been increased since the date of the last return (if any increase has been applied for):
  1. NIL
  2. NIL
  3. NIL
Less: Number of securities issued/allotted under scheme(s) during period (see LR3.5.7G):
  1. 5,192
  2. NIL
  3. NIL
Equals: Balance under scheme(s) not yet issued/allotted at end of period:
  1. 475,583
  2. 201,374
  3. 673,990


Name of contact:David Anderson, Chief Financial Officer
Telephone number of contact:+44 (0)20 7933 8780 or

For the full announcement, click HERE.

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